What does it Mean to ‘Sell like Hot Cakes’ and Where did this Phrase Come From?

Gauri Shanker
1 min readSep 10, 2022


To sell like hotcakes means to sell very quickly.

In olden times about 500 years ago, hotcakes were an extremely popular item at church sales, fairs, and similar events of public gatherings where food stands played a significant role. Consequently, they sold out as soon as they were out of the oven.

Thus, we have the expression “sell like hot cakes” for something which sells quickly and in large quantities.

For example —

“Apple has an ardent fanbase. Any product it brings to the market sells like hotcakes.”

It means that any product launched by Apple sells very quickly.

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Hi, I am Gauri Shanker, a Vocab teacher and enthusiast. I teach vocabulary in a fun and engaging way. You can check out my courses here.



Gauri Shanker

Vocabulary Enthusiast and Teacher. Buy my courses on Udemy (http://bit.ly/300-idioms) or watch them for free on Skillshare (https://skl.sh/3z2bauD).