What is the Origin of the Expression ‘Face the Music’?

And how does it relate to the phrasal verb ‘Drum Out’?

Gauri Shanker
2 min readMar 11, 2023

To face the music means to receive punishment for your actions; to accept the unpleasant consequences of your mistakes.

It is believed that this expression comes from an old army practice in which a soldier dismissed for disgraced or dishonorable behavior would be sent away with drums beating behind him to let the public know that he was a shame to the army and the country.

Let’s see an example —

“He had to face the music when a police officer caught him jumping the red light.”

The example is self-explanatory.

Guys, one more phrase has arisen from the same army practice and that phrase is “Drum out” which means to expel or throw out someone from a position or office.

For example —

“After the news of his scandal broke out, he was drummed out of the office within a day”.

It means that he was removed from the office within a day without any ceremony.

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Hi, I am Gauri Shanker, a Vocab teacher and enthusiast. I teach vocabulary in a fun and engaging way. You can check out my courses here.



Gauri Shanker

Vocabulary Enthusiast and Teacher. Buy my courses on Udemy (http://bit.ly/300-idioms) or watch them for free on Skillshare (https://skl.sh/3z2bauD).